Ask the payment expert: Why was a payment denial not covered by one of the current waivers?
Caryn Adams
Mar 01, 2021
I received a denial for a resident who was at another facility, transferred to the hospital and subsequently admitted to our facility. Shouldn’t this have been covered by one of the current waivers?
Ask the payment expert: As recertification surveys resume, when will they start impacting the Five Star...
Caryn Adams
Feb 01, 2021
As recertification surveys resume, when will they start impacting the Five Star Quality rating?
Ask the payment expert: Can I put my asymptomatic positive residents under a skilled stay to capture...
Caryn Adams
Dec 01, 2020
Can I put my asymptomatic positive residents under a skilled stay to capture an increase in reimbursement?
Ask the payment expert: Why am I having to complete section GG on my quarterly MDS?
Caryn Adams
Nov 01, 2020
Why am I having to complete section GG on my quarterly MDS?
Ask the payment expert: I am seeing an increase in Medicare Replacement Policy additional document requests....
Caryn Adams
Oct 01, 2020
I am seeing an increase in Medicare Replacement Policy additional document requests. How should we respond?
Ask the payment expert: Can you explain why my MDS nurse is refusing to code “isolation” on our residents...
Caryn Adams
Sep 01, 2020
Can you explain why my MDS nurse is refusing to code “isolation” on our residents in precautionary isolation for COVID-19?
Ask the payment expert: Was the 60-day break in stay covered in the blank waiver?
Caryn Adams
Jul 06, 2020
I was denied payment for a Medicare resident who did not have a 60-day break in stay. Wasn’t this covered in the blanket waiver?
Ask the payment expert: How can we stay financially sound during and after a pandemic?
Caryn Adams
Jun 01, 2020
How can we stay financially sound during and after a pandemic?
Ask the payment expert: What is the best way not to lose 2% of the Annual Payment Update?
Caryn Adams
May 01, 2020
Even though we are getting a temporary break from it due to pandemic relief, what is the best way not to lose 2% of the Annual Payment Update?
Ask the payment expert: What changes are coming to the 5-Star rating with the new refresh?
Caryn Adams
Apr 01, 2020
What changes are coming to the 5-Star rating with the new refresh?