Mobile technology, coupled with a plethora of “apps,” is creating amazing opportunities for long-term care residents to connect with the outside world. Getting residents to embrace newer technology,...
High-fluid capacity disposables cut IAD
Kimberly Marselas
Mar 08, 2018
Replacing a non-permeable, reusable pad with a disposable, high-fluid capacity one can reduce the number of incontinence-associated dermatitis cases and lessen their severity, according to research in...
Report: Post-acute sector is lagging on telemed adoption
Amy Novotney
Mar 08, 2018
Telemedicine’s value across the care continuum is clear, but adoption still lags, according to a report released in February by Sage Growth Partners, a healthcare research firm.
IT Update – March 2018
Mar 08, 2018
» Thermometers connected to a mobile phone app can lead to significant improvements in flu forecasting — good news to providers in a bad season, according to a study in Clinical Infectious Diseases....
Reader poll: What are you known for in your workplace?
Mar 08, 2018
“I am known for letting the creative side of my brain take the driver’s seat and see what magic comes. My colleagues might say that I’m always talking about the stories and accomplishments...
Things I think: Surviving the treadmill
Gary Tetz
Mar 08, 2018
Exercise can be hazardous to your health. Like antipsychotics, its pursuit should include a black box warning that atypical, or even typical, fitness attempts carry increased risk of injury and embarrassment....
Golden fights $1.8M edict
James M. Berklan
Mar 08, 2018
An arbitrator ruled that Golden Living Centers owes $1.8 million in vacation pay to 2,000 former employees at 36 Pennsylvanianursing homes. The provider is fighting back. The company sold the facilities...
Kindred asks shareholders to approve sale to Humana
James M. Berklan
Mar 08, 2018
Leaders at Kindred Healthcare have urged shareholders to approve its sale to Humana and two private equity rms. At the same time, the Louisville, KY-based provider informed shareholders that there could...
Unions may lose again
John O'Connor
Mar 08, 2018
In his most recent State of the State address, New York Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo (D) said an upcoming Supreme Court ruling might be the end of public unions. As far as most nursing home operators are concerned,...
It’s time you take care of you, and here is the place
James M. Berklan
Mar 08, 2018
Some people sit down at the beginning of each year and make relatively ambitious goals.