Key senator pressures state survey agencies over staffing-related delays
Kimberly Marselas
Sep 13, 2022
Sen. Bob Casey Jr. (D-PA) is demanding state survey agencies report information on extensive delays, staffing shortages and other challenges in the nursing home inspection process.
Pleading the Fifth
Jacqueline Vance, RNC, CDONA/LTC
Aug 16, 2022
We all know that political and notable figures of all kinds have the ultimate “out” available when being asked questions of substance by authorities. They can just invoke the Fifth Amendment. That’s...
One, two – with surveys, three is not guaranteed
Angi Livingston
Jul 08, 2022
We are seeing a drastic increase in adverse survey outcomes putting operators in precarious licensure situations pending a first, second or third revisit. In addition, we are seeing multiple failed revisits...
Nursing home complaint backlog worse than expected: report
Danielle Brown
Jun 14, 2022
Just 51% of nursing home complaints filed with New York’s Department of Health have been closed since the COVID-19 pandemic after the agency reported an 87% closure rate in the two years prior, according...
Mom-and-pop survival
Jean Wendland Porter
May 31, 2022
The chain and franchise SNFs will mostly survive. But in the face of rising costs, federal cuts and vast numbers of employees leaving the workforce, how can the small operators survive?
Lawmakers push forward bill to ease nursing home survey requirements
Danielle Brown
May 24, 2022
Providers in the state of Michigan are confident a proposal that aims to improve the timeliness and consistency of the state’s survey process for nursing homes will receive support from state senators...
F-tags study reveals common misuses of psychotropic drugs in LTC
Alicia Lasek (f3)
May 13, 2022
A study of deficiency-of-care citations in nursing homes offers lessons on reducing over-reliance on psychotropics in residents with dementia, investigators say.
Clinical briefs for Monday, Feb. 28
Alicia Lasek
Feb 28, 2022
McKnight’s welcomes 19 into Women of Distinction Hall of Honor … Extended survey delays threaten providers … CDC releases clinician education on updated COVID-19 vaccine guidance for post-mAB therapy...
Extended survey delays threaten providers
Kimberly Marselas
Feb 25, 2022
When a major government watchdog blasted the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services in January for a lack of timely survey activity, it detailed extensively what providers on the ground were experiencing...
CMS warns states: Survey fully or suffer consequences
Kimberly Marselas
Feb 10, 2022
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Wednesday sternly warned state survey agencies they must enforce all aspects of the federal program’s health and safety requirements by long-standing agreement.