The Big Picture | Long-term care, except for the long-term care part
John O'Connor
Jun 01, 2022
“So how should we replace our skilled care beds?”
Editor’s Desk | How providers survived the staff vaccine mandate
James M. Berklan
Jun 01, 2022
I recently asked operators to tell me about true employee losses they suffered from the mass employee exits that industry leaders predicted would occur when staff mandate deadlines kicked in.
Having My Say | We must find a way to stress better behavioral care
Kimberly Marselas
Jun 01, 2022
Given all the attention the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has streamed on skilled nursing lately, the agency will surely expect more from providers on the behavioral front, too.
A golden era of innovation in wound care is approaching
John Hall
Jun 01, 2022
Technology and improved practices are merging to create new and successful strategies for preventing and treating chronic wounds.
Post-COVID era to elevate role of LTC infection preventionists
John Hall
Jun 01, 2022
As the pandemic wanes, providers are seeing more clearly the need to prevent and prepare for everyday and emergent infectious threats.
Financial fears mount for SNFs
Kimberly Marselas
Jun 01, 2022
Skilled nursing operators felt the financial vise tightening late this spring, as concerns about the sustainability amid a rate cut and more regulation collided with broader economic worries.
Firms add faster pay, financial tools to keep employees happy
Amy Novotney
Jun 01, 2022
Another firm is stepping up with services to provide long-term care employees with access to part of their wages before payday.
How to do it … Maximize use of the consultant pharmacists
John Hall
Jun 01, 2022
They are vital eyes and ears in any nursing home, either large or small, making them among the most trusted confidants of everyone from floor nurses to administrators. Experts share here how providers...
Iowans feed SNF workers every week
Danielle Brown
Jun 01, 2022
An Iowa man and his friends are making sure some skilled nursing facility workers always have a taste of home while working each weekend.
Sarah Schumann takes service to heart
Jun 01, 2022
Some might say that Sarah Schumann, director of operations for Brookside Inn, was destined to go into healthcare.