Infographic: 10 highest/lowest average total fines per nursing home
Jan 24, 2019
Autofluorescence shines light on wounds
Kimberly Marselas
Jan 04, 2019
Researchers at the University of Arkansas are using autofluorescence, the naturally occurring omission of light by cells, to diagnose and monitor chronic skin wounds such as diabetic foot ulcers and pressure...
Powerful bandage delivers shocking new study results
Kimberly Marselas
Jan 04, 2019
A new wound dressing uses a patient’s body movement to create gentle electrical pulses that stimulate healing.
Ask The Treatment Expert: Implementing a pressure injury prevention program
Jeri Lundgren
Jan 04, 2019
We need to implement a pressure injury prevention and treatment program. I’m overwhelmed. Can you suggest where to start?
Data, analytics at pharma turning point
Elizabeth Newman
Jan 04, 2019
Clinical and outcome data from nursing homes, especially in relationship to its pharmacies, will grow in importance over the next year, two McKesson executives said last month.
Curavi purchases TripleCare, creating large telemed entity
Elizabeth Newman
Jan 04, 2019
As telemedicine becomes an increasingly intriguing option for nursing homes, Curavi Health Inc. announced last month that it had purchased TripleCare.
Moving beyond well-intentioned Resolutions and embracing the New Year’s ‘Revelation’
Gary Tetz
Jan 04, 2019
Whether politically, professionally or culturally, did any new year approach with less subtlety than 2019? Usually, these calendar-turns sneak up in velvet slippers, and what masquerades as new is mostly...
Telemedicine use increasing but still not very common
Amy Novotney
Jan 04, 2019
Despite laws passed in 32 states requiring health insurance coverage and payments to virtual medical providers, most American adults still receive care from physicians in person rather than via remote...
State News: City plans to seek compensation for burned out former nursing home
Elizabeth Newman
Jan 04, 2019
ILLINOIS — After volunteers spent days during the summer decorating windows at a vacant nursing home, the building burned in a December fire.
McKnight’s Roundtable: How providers achieve balance in unbalanced times
John Hall
Jan 04, 2019
Few issues can throw a senior care provider off center more than the unexpected retirement of a valued nursing director, the loss of a beloved nursing aide to an outside employer, or a series of futile...